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Pyrithione zinc (Zinc pyrithione) - consultation on potential candidates for substitution and on derogations conditions

Pyrithione zinc (Zinc pyrithione) - consultation on potential candidates for substitution and on derogations conditions

If an active substance meets any of the criteria for substitution listed in Article 10(1) of the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), then the evaluating competent authority may identify the substance as a potential candidate for substitution (CfS).

If this is the case, normally before submitting its opinion on the approval or renewal of the renewal of the active substance to the Commission, ECHA will launch a consultation to collect information on potential alternatives to this substance (Article 10(3) if the BPR).

EC Number CAS Number Product type 

CfS & Derogation
Substance name
Pyrithione zinc (Zinc pyrithione)
6, 7, 9, 21
Intended use
PT 06 – Use 1: Bactericide/fungicide for in-can preservatrion of paints: interior/exterior paints, textured paints & plasters.
PT 06 – Use 2: Bactericide/fungicide for in-can preservation of glues & adhesives: wallpaper & sack adhesives.
PT 07 – Use 1: Bactericide/fungicide included into paints and coatings (interior/exterior paints, textured paints) for dry film preservation.
PT 09 – Use 1: bactericide/fungicide included into vinyl to protect against microbial spoilage during service life. Example use: vinyl flooring.
PT 09 – Use 2: bactericide/fungicide included into textile materials to protect against microbial spoilage during service life. Example use: tent fabric.
PT 21 – Use 1: algaecide/bactericide/fungicide in antifouling products applied to ship hulls and other submerged structures to protect against fouling organisms. ZnPT is included in the product as an additional active substance, so called co-biocide or “booster”.
Other uses, if applicable (to be specified by the information submitters)
Which conditions of Article 10(1) are met
10(1)(a): exclusion criteria pursuant to Article 5(1)
Which conditions of Article 5(1) are met
5(1)(c): criteria to be classified as toxic for reproduction category 1A or 1B
Consultation start date
Consultation end date
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Source : ECHA

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