TER (UK) Ltd

TER (UK) Ltd
Pigments & Colourants Plasticisers Polymer Resins Resins & Tackifiers Surfactants Water based Polymers Waxes Raw Material Suppliers Adhesion Promoter Cross-linking Agents Dispersants
In July 2012 the TER GROUP further strengthened it's growing pan-European network by opening TER (UK) in Cambridge. The launch has proved a great success enabling UK customers to source a wide range of raw materials. The initial focus was on offering raw materials for the Paints & Coatings, Construction, Adhesives, Textiles, Paper and Glass Fibre industries. Today TER (UK) are servicing a wide range of UK customers with both direct shipments or with materials from strategically located UK warehousing. In a second phase TER (UK) enhanced it's raw material portfolio by being appointed the UK Distribution partner for a variety of product lines from both Evonik Industries and Claraint SE. TER (UK) have also implemented the activities of it's Group Industry "Food & Feed" which is a core business activity of the TER GROUP. TER (UK)'s aim is to continue the TER philosophy of working closely with our customers to identify the raw materials they want - and to provide them with a range of products that meets their requirements in terms of quality, price, delivery and back-up.
Membership Type
RM Supplier